Version ALPHA BETA (meaning its still rough around the edges)







Collecting inspiring stories, work, and techniques shared by you.


What is Creative Space?

Collecting inspiring stories, work, and techniques shared by you.

You just said that at the top of this page.

Oh. You wanted me to be more specific? Ok. Creative Space is my little corner on the web where I gather stories and work from all types of people who work tirelessly to make the web beautiful.  Be it through pushing pixels, mentoring, speaking, or dreaming.

There are many websites that help you find inspiration for your next project. But I noticed that there aren’t many sites that inspire the parts of a designer, developer or entrepreneur that really matter.

The heart and mind.

So what are you getting at?

Creative Space is a personal project I have started to help motivate and inspire others in this crazy web industry to never give up, always learn and share their knowledge and experiences with others.

Who are you?

A Digital Experience Designer who has been designing since the early days of Geocities (before it was bought out by Yahoo!). Follow me on .

What makes you a hero?

Everyone has a story to tell, a piece of work they would like to share, or a technique that should be taught.  Share yours so we may feature it and contact you for an interview to learn more about it.

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